Pest Inspection Company

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Pest Inspection
You can count on us to not leave anything out

  • The #1 local company that provides quality services & highly rated reports.

  • The best licensed & bonded contractors in Mt Pleasant NC & nearby areas.

  • A complete pest inspection by our trusted professionals is very affordable.

  • We are home to the top reviews in the area.

Pest Inspection Charlotte NC

For many of us, our home is our castle. It is the sanctuary we keep safe from the world. It is a place where we can truly relax, unwind, and be our most genuine selves with our nearest and dearest. Part of this involves monitoring who can and cannot come in, and this can be a long list, which includes the mothers-in-law, cold callers, and pests.

Pests are unwanted visitors who find their way into our homes with the sole intention of moving in to stay and causing havoc and damage along the way. It is essential that you take the time to schedule a regular pest inspection to keep your home clean, secure, and private.

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Pest Inspection Company Mt. Pleasant NC
Mt. Pleasant Pest Inspection Professionals

A regular pest inspection is the only way to guarantee that your home will be free of mice, cockroaches, and any other nasty critters who may feel inclined to gatecrash. An inspector will use a range of techniques to detect pests, and this starts with a thorough visual examination of all the places that they like to hide. Sometimes having a pool in your backyard can attract certain pests also, so having a thorough pool inspection may be suggested. As well as looking for the pests themselves, a trained contractor will also search for signs of their presence. Signs include droppings, nibbled areas, or damage and destruction. The contractor will compile a detailed report, which often includes clear photographs.

As well as the naked eye, there is a range of other techniques that experts use to determine the presence of pests. Thermal imaging cameras are super useful tools, and they can help to seek the location of a nest, allowing you to cut off the problem at the source. A moisture meter may also indicate that you have a problem with pests. They tend to be drawn to humidity and moisture, so high levels may be a red flag. Different pests will respond to different techniques and treatments. But a professional from an established company will be able to use a wide range of options to conduct the most thorough search.

#1 Pest Inspection Company

Catching pests as early as possible is essential for saving you from large bills and extensive damage down the line. Left unchecked, pests of all kinds can cause significant destruction to your home. This may result in some serious structural issues that can render your entire property unsafe. By regularly employing the services of a pest control inspector, you can live in peace and make sure that any infestations are quickly seen to before any serious damage occurs.

Due to the importance of ridding your home from pests, these inspections can be quite expensive. Many homeowners are left facing large bills and charges.

Fortunately, the services of One & Done Home Inspectors are designed to protect you and make your life as straightforward as possible. With this in mind, we aim to offer a range of same-day home inspection services to ensure that all your house checks are carried out in one fast, convenient appointment. Check out a free quote/estimate, and you will be surprised at the benefits you can gain. Carrying out essential inspections has never been so simple!